Many organizations struggle to set up a successful improvement project or program that can sustain their initial positive impact. Time and changing management conditions are the biggest threats for the continuity of “continuous” improvement programs. Teams and their managers describe symptoms, such as:
- “The initial energy to move something gets lost after a while”
“Our momentum for change fades out with every management change”
“Nice piece of advisory, but this is not tangible enough for us”
“Our management does not seem to understand the real challenges we have at shop floor level”
In many cases, poorly embedded improvements or changes are the result of incorrectly balanced teams, suboptimal role-assignments or a business driver system that works contra-productive.
We call these “organisational systemics”. The systemics of an organisation can make people move or freeze, work as a team or in isolation, share or keep important information and determine the conditions for change. We have been part of these same struggles within numerous organizations and have learned to recognize, analyse and change the systemics that can make a successful improvement program faint. With our Manufacturing Analysis methodologies we can find out where the centre of gravity is positioned within your organization and how to move it to a better place so it can help your organization change their existing patterns. To find the centre of gravity you need to look far below the surface; just like an iceberg, the critical mass that has to be moved to get improvement potential to be revealed and analysed.
Once analysed, we will help you to define a better working “system”, working together with your teams in their daily routines, management structures and improving their communication.